Woman: Inspire Inclusion, International Woman’s Day, 2024
It’s a celebrational poetry dedicated to all the women on the occasion of the International Woman’s Day,2024.
It’s a celebrational poetry dedicated to all the women on the occasion of the International Woman’s Day,2024.
Here is the story of an elderly couple whose children forced them to leave their home, and they shifted to a care home in the same city. Here is another case of a lady who depends on her deceased husband’s pension, but she never had access to the money as her son siphoned away all … Read more
I don’t claim to be a bibliophile, but I can’t imagine my life sans books. Moreover, the book fair is the only place that excites me. All the pleasure comes from the smell of newly minted books, catalogs, newer breeds of authors, the new generation of book lovers, a carefully crafted storytelling pavilion, a live … Read more
To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything. – T.Tolis
Why are future generations, i.e. children, deprived of basic facilities in many parts of the world? Isn’t this the twenty-first century?
Changes are inevitable with the change in the calendar. Try to live every moment, this philosophy will give new dimensions to life.
It’s important to express yourself instead of opting for hibernation. Silence is not always good and speaking your mind is not bad.
Environmental pollution is taking a toll on all the parameters of the world that are vital for our survival.
legally, logically, practically, and theoretically – women are an integral part of society in every sense, and they deserve a better perception and a respectful status.
Crying in silence In desolation, In dismay Alone, torn and exhausted Wondering about my mistakes Wondering about my upbringing Wondering about the scarcity of My dedicated people Wondering about a few Forgetful and Thankless people Who are drifting away from the The essence of hard-fought freedom Those dreams of a Free India The dreams of … Read more