Increasing atrocities on women-where are we heading?
Much has been written over the centuries condemning sexual crimes, and many laws have been made to punish the offenders, yet the world continues to turn into a haunted place due to sexual crimes.
Much has been written over the centuries condemning sexual crimes, and many laws have been made to punish the offenders, yet the world continues to turn into a haunted place due to sexual crimes.
There has been a lot of hue and cry recently about women’s safety. The more stringent the laws are, the harsher the reality of violence against women becomes. It is horrifying to see crimes being committed against a two-month-old baby and even an eighty-year-old woman. Where are we headed?
Why are cheating, hypocrisy, double-dealing, and fraud directly related to politics?
Why is today’s nationalism so drastically different from reality?
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
– Lord Acton
Apart from the political center, Delhi is a transportation, commercial, cultural, educational, and medical center in India.
The adverse effects of unemployment are so serious that they harm social peace and family bonds, and create unbearable chaos in life putting all norms of humanity aside and affecting mental and economic normalcy.
Spiritual leaders are also human beings, they are not immortal, yet they make a place in our lives through their knowledge, exemplary conduct, and sage attitude. They leave indelible marks in the society.
We are human beings. Since the beginning of civilization, we have been proving our ability to live here, ruling the planet, conquering the invincible, and overcoming the mysteries around us. Fear is just a small emotion in the face of our quest to achieve excellence in every area of the universe.
Every section of the society is in the grip of superstition today. These do not benefit anyone, yet they are deeply ingrained in our culture. Those who oppose superstitions are given the appeal of religion.
Social media trolling is a deliberate virtual attack that incites hostility, damaging personal images in a completely public space without rational thinking about the consequences. This is a blot in terms of humanitarian parameters.