Stress – A mental response

Stress- A threat to our well-being

Stress – Deal with it.

From the dawn of civilization, we have had a fair amount of evolution to date to elaborate an extraordinary life system on this beautiful earth.

There are instances of extreme reasons for celebration on earth, and there are some reasons for troublesome moments as well.

One of the most vital things in our lives is our health.

Health is being mentally, physically, and socially fit and healthy. The slightest deviation from this definition causes stress in our lives.

Love yourself, respect yourself, this life is precious, protect it from the negative effects of stress.

Starting from the back, here is a list of some reasons behind our sleepless nights.

Unprecedented stressful situations are causing mental health issues, and it is sad to say that many of us still do not consider mental health as serious as physical health.

You may feel caught between two contradictory options, both going against you, yet you are thinking about them instead of opting out.

Our past experiences, discriminatory stressful moments, and internal expectations are adversely affecting our mental and physical health.

Long-term exposure to stress may lead to severe mental fragility, and we enter into a grey world of darkness unwillingly and unknowingly.

Any obstacle troubles us unconsciously, be it financial issues, work-related issues, family problems, personal health problems, or anything that happens against our plans.

A study shows that about 79% of adults in the UK and about 72% of adults in the USA are getting stress bouts in their daily lives, and many of them feel it constantly.

It is not surprising that almost half of the population in India suffers from either moderate or severe mental health issues, as India has recorded the highest number of suicides in the world, with worrying figures of 2.6 lakh suicide cases in the year 2022-23.

It's not stress that kills us, it's our reaction to it.
                    - Hans Selye

Life is a journey, not a competition. When you are unsatisfied with what you have, you may find yourself in a tug-of-war situation, with both ends getting you nowhere.

Tending the tender leaves of life is vital for our survival in the world. One should never shy away from being adversely affected by circumstances. They are always there whether we decide to fight or not to fight.

There are so many routes on the way of our expected life, and we don’t know which turn we will get setbacks and upon which turn we will get surprising elements.

In short,  there is no such thing as a fixed path to lead our life. Health issues are not to be avoided. They are here to remind us in subtle ways and make us self-conscious.

Like physical health, we must consult experts for our mental health as they are more detrimental to our body than physical ailments.

Seeking help with mental illness is the bravest step anyone can take.

Instead of suffering silently, search for the root cause and don’t hesitate to come forward with your problems. 

Prevention is always better than cure, but the cure is also better than hiding the disease, mental or physical.

Stress is to make you comfortable in your life battles. It should not be a hindrance in your prospective path.

Stress can be a powerful tool to drive positive growth in your life. While eliminating stress may not be possible, you can harness its energy to make meaningful improvements in your life.

Don’t let stress hold you back – Use it as a motivational fuel for progress.

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