International Woman’s Day,2024

Taking the Charge: Women Empowerment 

You must be thinking about the same old stories and facts regarding women of the world society.

One doesn’t usually get into the fact that as a wholesome society, women struggled much more than their male counterparts, and this is regardless of the region, community, and sect.

I feel a bit contented while writing this article on ‘Women’  for the magnitude of struggles and resentment they faced, and their ‘ fight for a better tomorrow paved the way for all of us.

Linear Path, Unreal Opposition-

In 1611, women got the right to vote for the first time in Massachusetts.

Unfortunately, in 1780, women were stripped of their right to vote.

It was the 8th of March in 1857, and women workers in the textile industry in New York went on strike for equal pay as men and a ten-hour workday. 

We celebrate this day as International Women’s Day across the world.

But that was not the end of the plights and fights of women of different regions worldwide. The pathetic condition continued for most of the women folk. They didn’t have direct or indirect participation in public life. 

Surprisingly, women got the right to vote for the first time in 1893. It was New Zealand.

In Finland, it was in 1906. In Norway, it was in 1913. In the USA, it was in 1920. In the UK, it was in 1928. In France, it was in 1936, followed by Italy in 1945. Chinese women got their right to vote in 1947.

Independent India gave suffrage rights to her women folk in the very first general election, i.e., in 1951.

The United Nations General Assembly passed the Charter on Women’s Political Rights by an overwhelming majority in 1952.

As a composite society, women had to fight for their fundamental rights, and it is unfortunate to add that they are still lagging in many parameters.

Integral but a reclusive part – Women

It’s not always about the suffrage rights of the women. It’s not just about equal pay, equal working hours, equal this, or equal that.

Women are not subordinate in a civilized society. 

Women are not obliged to play the role of silent puppets in the society, either.

Women are not to be treated as second-class citizens, and nor should they be made scapegoats in the slightest of unfavorable conditions.

The truth is that we need an inclusive social system.

Like a sound body functioning rightly in tandem with all the conditions, we ought to work cordially and coordinately with all the integral parts of society.

It is an undisputed reality that women are the cornerstone of the family – the foundation upon which societies and nations stand up.

Why ‘ Women’s Empowerment’ is yet to catch the momentum?

There are several challenging obstacles for women in society, and throughout the seemingly simple life journey, the conditions of women are still pathetic and miserable.

Well, we have a history of successful women. 

We have a dedicated day for women, and do you think that a single particular day can change the conditions of millions of women who are victims of human trafficking, rape, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, gender discrimination, wage discrimination, harassment, stalking, eve-teasing, denial of proper education, food, and medical facilities, ever-growing problem of ignoring their existence and what not in the list are the problems that differ in different regions of the world.

It’s not about male dominance.

The holistic approach of a society is all that syncs with its every element synergistically.

We cannot endorse either feminism or male chauvinism.

We can’t cook a full-course meal without taking note of tiny details. Likewise, we cannot build a peaceful and happy world without caring about its vital components.

Women are the backbone of social strata, and so are the men and others.

Patriarchal systems to date have destroyed all the notions of a harmonious society.

Giving power to a larger group does not mean disrespecting the presence of others.

De facto, without amicable and amiable perceptions of managing every thread, color, and pattern, the idea of an aesthetic world is void.

Old slogans in a new era

We have many different slogans for different days and occasions, and the reality is that they are of no help in capturing the real essence.

Famous quotes on women are just for quoting, and there is a lull in implementation from the majority of the system.

Biographies and Autobiographies of famous women of the world find places in the glass cabinet with other decorative items.

The role of women is more valuable than just resorting to celebrating a special day dedicated to her.

Is that due to the lack of willpower?

Do you feel scared while reading the newspapers?

I feel the situation of most of the women, be it from the affluent background or underprivileged ones.

Many women never come out with their problems as they are more scared of the outcomes of their coming forward than suffering in silence.

Naming and shaming weaker groups of society is the scariest practice of the people who have power.

The fight is not for feminism or any sort of liberalism. The confrontation is for the rightful righteous rights of the right element of society.

Inspire Inclusion

To finish my picture of ‘Today’s Women and International Women’s Day, 2024, It is important to say that we should assess the circumstances, value the power of women, and avoid clipping their wings before they can fly.

This is the only way to ensure the 2024 International Women’s Day theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion.’

For a poetic version of the celebration of ‘womanhood’ on the occasion of ‘International Women’s Day, 2024, please read –

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