Motherland India

                                Crying in silence                                  In desolation,                                   In dismay                                  Alone, torn and exhausted                                  Wondering about my mistakes                                  Wondering about my upbringing                                  Wondering about the scarcity of                                   My dedicated people                                  Wondering about a few                                  Forgetful and Thankless people                                  Who are drifting away from the                                   The essence of hard-fought freedom                                  Those dreams of a Free India                                  The dreams of … Read more

Commemorate or Celebrate – Hiroshima Day or Friendship Day?

Humanity is above all the negative traits of human beings, and we should follow the basic rules of humanity.

Peace or War- The choice is ours. What a coincidence of having too different categorical days on the same day! One reciprocates with destruction and violence, and the other symbolizes love and respect for humanity. When someone very dear to me wanted to watch the ‘Oppenheimer’ movie with her, I was wary of watching a … Read more