Cyberbullying in India

Your Kid Is Growing And So Is Internet Exposure

Imagine you got hold of your kid’s cell phone only to find that he/she is being bullied online by someone totally stranger to you or he/she is in contact with some unknown persons or sites that are way too suspicious in their modus operandi.

As an adult you can judge right or wrong ,you can assess anything worrisome and after finding something fishy in your kids mobile you may feel taken aback for the safety and security of your child and suddenly you start blaming yourself and your partner for giving cell phone with internet to your kid at such a tender age.

Cyber exposure and kids

Cell phones and the internet are now essential in our lives, no doubt.

Because of the Covid,kids were given their own cell phones to attend their online classes, a fact.

Parents don’t try to catch up with their kids’ online activities,a duty not to ignore.

Kids are also smart to hide their activities, a reality.

Harsh reality of internet

Getting unlimited internet and entering wrong personal information to have access to the sites meant only for adults – kids are unable to process the process and become easy targets of the cyber criminals.

By the time they realize that they are getting entrapped it’s too late.

And to add to their woes,they don’t inform their parents and try to solve their problems themselves.

Stats of cyberbullying among kids in India.

According  to the McAfee reports 2022,India has been ranked #1 for reported cyberbullying in the world with alarming data of kids getting cyberbullied as early as at the age of 10.

Data released by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) shows a daunting increase in the cyber crimes against children that directly expose them to cyber stalking,web hacking,personal data hacking and even cyber pornography.

Need of hour of being vigilant before being victim of cyber crime

In a time of severe social media exposure,the need to be attentive and cautious towards your kids’ activities is now essential.

Any communication gap between children and their parents will grim the situations furthermore.

Laws against cyber crimes

Yes, there are stricter laws for cyber crimes under Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA-2000),( with amendments in 2008) and the Indian Penal Code,1860.

Precautions is better for any untoward incidents

Parenting is not an easy task,it is not a rocket science either.

Accountability is one thing and maintaining a cordial relation with your own kids is another thing.

It is hard to sniff the motives of criminals who often disguise themselves as well-wishers and it’s even harder to nab these criminals.

Giving space to your kids is one aspect but keeping a tab on the tab of the kids is another one – both are required for the growth and the safeguarding of them.

Pros and cons of over indulgence to social media are to be explained to the kids beforehand.

Raising your child in a concerning environment is a tough task and it can be done only when one has a friendly and gracious relation with kids.

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