Rediscovering Patriotism

Evolution of Nationalism

Perhaps the times have gotten this bad,

We are unable to keep pace

with progress while protecting our heritage

Maybe the time is under 

Some negative spells,

The more we seek integrity,

The lesser we get it.

The power that we give someone

To govern, to administer,

To protect, to proceed

Makes the chosen one

Corrupt, gets us in trouble.

Such is the outcome of politics,

When having vices is

The biggest virtue.

The bigger the lawbreaker,

The more capable leader he will be. 

Maybe, the time has changed

Now, the educated don’t have a say,

Functionally illiterates are ruling.

Skilled and scholarly, with a file in hand are

Just worried about getting a respectable job.

Maybe it’s just the time

When someone else has to suffer

For the mistakes of the powerful.

And no one is there to 

Pay heed to your plights.

As the case may be, the time is so bad,

When injustice prevails

In the temple of justice.

People who violate the law are 

the folks enjoying the fullest.

Maybe the time is horrifying,

Motivational speakers are

Mere hollow people whereas

Religious preachers don’t have 

anything positive to offer.

In tandem with the notion of 

‘Corruption begets corruption’ 

Our revered politicians act

Protector for each other 

deliberately letting people suffer.

Possibly, the time is worse

When in the presence of several 

Women empowerment laws & rules

Women are silently suffering

In this so-called civilized society.

Hopelessly, the time is becoming awful

When the lawmakers are turning 

Into predators without thinking 

The consequences of their act of

Flawed authority over the unprivileged.

Needless to say about patriotism,

The country needs its every component

Well-balanced with all the imperfections,

Well-thoughtfully exemplary acts

Of those in power, without unnecessary

Fuss to create a divisive social strata, 

Nobody wants a weaker and feeble

Country with spineless citizens.

We all owe something to our

Venerated Motherland and

We all should respect this.

Let our be, our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country.
                              - Daniel Webster

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