By defaming me like this,
where will you go, Ram?
such a harsh attack on my femininity
How could you do this Ram?
After questioning my entire existence
The washerman comfortably joined the crowd
Me, still your married wife.
How can I console myself now?
Putting my integrity at stake
That crooked, sinful washerman
with great ease, and comfort
became free from his wife
Royal dignity, Ram,
You did not keep it,
Still, you are called
Maryada Purushottam Ram
I don’t know how to describe my pain
What crime had I committed?
You could have told me, Ram
Whatever you did in the name of justice,
Women will suffer for centuries
In such a situation, how can they cope?
Tell me, Maryada Purushottam Ram?
I am your better half, your life partner.
Yes, I crossed the Lakshman Rekha.
I didn’t break my vow of chastity,
And you knew that, didn’t you, Ram?
You know me better, Ram
You are in my mind, Ram
You are in my every vein, Ram
Then why is this harsh treatment of me?
What kind of justice is this, Ram?
What kind of wrong tradition have you set?
Then how did you become great, Ram?
I have felt your pain, your sorrow.
I wanted to share it as your soulmate.
But when your turn came,
Why did you step back, Ram?
What kind of husband behavior was this?
What kind of royal etiquette was this?
Women will ask questions for centuries,
‘Why did you make Ram great till now?’
Being your legally wedded wife,
I once had rights over you
I am leaving everything now
accepting my defeat now.
What will you say right now, Ram?
How can you bear the outcries of tolerant women
Oh, tell me, for you were mine.
How will you confront yourself today?
Simple, Self-restrained, a symbol of justice,
The best in the male community,
Most revered, respected, worshipped
Maryada Purushottam Ram.