Unemployment and False Electoral Promises

What’s in an election when the voice of the people remains unheard?

Some time ago I wrote an article on ‘Unemployment in India’.

At that time I wanted to write the plights of the job-seeking youths in the next articles, but I waited for the parliamentary elections that were scheduled in the upcoming days.

Just before the ongoing budget session in the Indian parliament, RBI released data that states that about 109 million jobs were created in India between 2019-20 and 2023-24.

There will be more speculation behind the data released and its release date because the reality is not what we are getting through the media these days. The inside story is actually not that green.

If this were the case today, we would not be hearing stories of the struggle of youth who are pushed onto the streets just for a job, however, the government and the media are propagating contrary to the current situation, even when the truth is visible.

Unemployment, Under-employment, Unpaid employment

I do not want to criticize any government in policy formulation and implementation, although it is a constitutional right. The reason is very simple, ‘In recent years governments are wary of criticism, they are democratic, but forget it after getting the responsibility.’

I know many youngsters doing unpaid internships in their final year, joining various PPIs on or off campus in the hope of getting a stable good job after completing their studies. Parents are paying their education bills or maybe some of them arrange funds by education loan.

What will happen to the students who fail to convert a PPI into PPO?

Who will pay their education loan?

Who will take responsibility for their expenses?

How do their parents react to the fact that their children are still dependent on them even after spending so much on their education?

How does the person manage the expenses when he gets an underpaying job?

What will happen to the dependent family members in the above cases?

In the case of unpaid or low-paid jobs, what will be the future of talented students who have so much potential, so much potential, but due to lack of suitable opportunities they have to be satisfied with low-paid jobs?

What is the scope of the unemployed youths who somehow manage a loan to set-up a business to earn a livelihood, to get a stable income?

What kind of opportunities are there for people who are connected with the MSME in the wake of irrational and unjustifiable GST slabs?

In the absence of quality teachers in the institutions because of the government’s inability to fill the vacant posts, how do we provide quality education to the kids?

In the above case, how can we expect the employability of youths having no one to listen to their plights?

In a doubtful environment of paper leak just before or during the competitive examinations, who will take the responsibility to tend the wounds of youths who are pinning all their hopes with the system for their livelihood?

Companies usually lay off many employees after issuing one month’s notice or an immediate lay off after paying one month’s salary. Why is there a total lull from the regulatory boards who make rules of employment in the country?

Fractured job market…Youths in lurch 

It is not that the previous governments have been very successful in providing jobs, but it is also true that the country has not seen such huge unemployment since independence. The records are evidence of the government’s failure to provide some stable jobs to the youth.

Is it not sad for a youth who has the ability to climb mountains but is stuck making envelopes from waste newspapers or holding the steering of an e-rickshaw in a directionless and flawed education system?

I think that there is nothing like belittling menial jobs if it is providing you with a livelihood.

But at the same time, if the job seeker has promising educational records, and a great acumen to achieve, is it not ridiculous for their potential to expect them to do petty jobs?

People criticize youths when they vye for government jobs.

People also advocate entry of private players in the government owned sectors with a flawed logic that it will improve the quality of the service.

In recent years, this trend is on rise, and so is the unemployment rate in the country.

Browse different job journals or notifications in your free time.

The government generally first denies providing a full-fledged job to the youths citing fund issues, after much hue and cry, the government which won the general election on the tall promises of job creation forge the data to misguide the youths who are still hoping to have a share in the job market for them.

Indian philosophy at loss due to extreme unemployment and inflation 

The question is now more prominent in common people’s lives.

The slump in job market, the slower growth indices, higher inflation, poor education, low dedication from the folk who are holding top posts in the institutions, vanishing moral values, increasing communal tension, negatively influencing the religious sentiments in the name of devotion, diverting the education funds to some political benefits, slashing budget limits in agriculture which is lifeline of the country, siphoning away the allocated infrastructure money to fund political parties, high level of corruption in different  governmental departments, – there are so many things that are adds-on to the plights of youths and those who just want to earn a livelihood.

Don’t ignore the importance of a job in an economic arrangement.

As per the World Youth Report, 2020, young people aged 15-24 years account for 16% of the world population.

In India, this number is 27.3% as per a study in 2021.

In fact 66% of India’s population is under the age of 35.

On the contrary, the majority of political leaders are middle-aged or elderly and are neglecting to make way for the next generation. They are not even trying to make a youth-friendly budget, though their poll promises speak loads of steps for the betterment of youths besides providing them a decent job.

Understand this simple example here, A family of four with one earning member adds quality to the lives of all the four members, and with better purchasing power, they directly and indirectly support many businesses including ration, clothes, medical, education, electricity, transport, telecommunication and so many other expenses luxury items as well.

This expenditure is a necessity to make an economic structure flourishing and booming.


Different aspects or mindsets, religion or region,  gender or capabilities – all are important to drive a country forward on the scale of development.

Religion is meant to keep faith in humanity strong, politicians should not misuse it to gain power.

The saying ‘As you sow, so will you reap’ is not ambiguous. It is important to manage, maintain, and make social strata livable.

Our youth are invaluable resources. They need our methodical, monetary, and mental support. Allowing them to thrive in their respective paths is vital for global advancement.”

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