Relevance of Gandhi: Tribute to a Legend

International Day of Non-violence, 2nd October

Unleashing Gandhi’s legacy

Given the current global political turmoil, nonviolence is often misunderstood as a sign of inability, a deliberate weakness in foreign policy decision-making, or ineptness in even a typical internal political practice.

Gone were the days when we used to opt for kindness, forgiveness, chivalry, and other humanitarian qualities that are the basis of the umpteenth of books written by renowned authors in different eras.

Starting with the baby steps in kindergartens, we are still taught that we are social animals and must have the qualities mentioned earlier to maintain the sanctity of humankind.

  • Despite ferociously engaging in managing and controlling the world around us, we are still humans.
  • Despite hoarding lethal weapons, and secret involvements in creating trouble for others, we are still humans.
  • Despite being independent countries, every country is trying hard in the dire quest for survival while trying to bring down other countries with nefarious motives.
  • Despite surviving a pandemic, COVID-19, and the world trying to find a solution to deadly diseases, we are equally involved in destroying the ecosystem by opting haywire against the rules and regulations meant to maintain the ecosystem.
  • Despite the current unrest in various parts of the world, the United Nations is becoming non-existent to address world problems.

The resurgence of Gandhi’s ideas

With the increasing tendency to promote the principles of revenge and retribution outside the normalized sphere, the world is becoming desperate to find a place that can be peaceful and livable for mankind.

And that’s why, we must borrow our life lessons from the blueprints of Gandhi’s philosophy and his idea of an inclusive world. 

And here is a humble tribute from an amateur writer like me to my childhood idol.

I still remember my school library with a whole section dedicated to Gandhi’s literature, his books, especially, ‘Gandhi Vangmaya’, whose prose was recited daily in my school assembly.

Being a staunch follower of Gandhi, I resist stepping into any negativity, however, I find it difficult to abide by Gandhian principles, and the reason is simple,’ You can’t be a saint when you find yourself surrounded by scoundrels’.

Although I am a Gandhian at heart and do not support hatred and vengeance, I do support the practical implementation of Gandhian principles.

Thus, I admit that I practice what I preach but I will never go easy on any bully.

Therefore, Gandhi and his philosophy are still in practice with some changes.

No one can live without raising their voice against atrocities and wrongdoings.

Gandhi: Inspiring change in today’s world

With one or two Mahatma Gandhi Roads in every city in India and a Gandhi statue in every prominent city of the world, the name Gandhi doesn’t require an introduction.

The name Gandhi is synonymous with Non-violence, Truth, Self-reliance, Inclusive social arrangement, simplicity, harmony, compassion, Non-stealing, Sustainable development, Social justice, Chastity, and many other virtues, the qualities that are treated as odd in the modern world.

In recent years under some political agenda, some people tried to tarnish the image of Gandhi by putting fake narratives against him on social media platforms. 

It was disheartening for those who pay homage and gratitude to all our freedom fighters irrespective of their roots.

I still have memories of writing an essay on Gandhiji and the first sentence I used to write was, ‘Writing an essay on Gandhiji is like showing a lamp to the sun.’

We still have unresolved issues affecting global harmony and humanity’s integrity because we are becoming more inhumane without considering the consequences.

In the last century, the world experienced two devastating world wars that are impossible to describe in a few words. 

A few years ago, a pandemic posed threats to our entire empire.

Europe is witnessing the Russia-Ukraine war, whereas Israel is all on its toes against its neighbor countries.

There are more humanistic problems in the world, likely lethal diseases, fatal road mishaps, terrorism, new-age imperialism, and chemical weapons, on top of the already existing issues of hunger, poverty, unemployment, inflation, climate change, gender disparity, economic challenges, mental wellbeing, and the corruption.

Instead of utilizing our resources to tackle the issues, we are more into disturbing the whole idea of humanism.

Remembering Mahatma Gandhi on his 155th Birth Anniversary

With the world whining because of uncountable man-made problems, we need a selfless leader, like Gandhiji whose preaches are at par with his practices.

A person can easily become a leader, but no one can become Gandhi, the name is enough to remember his contribution to humanity.

Whenever independence is mentioned anywhere in the world, the first image that comes to mind is that of Gandhiji.

As Indians, we cannot stoop so low that we try to tarnish Gandhiji’s image to shine someone’s political ambition. 

“We shouldn’t do this; it’s a deliberate insult to the pride and dignity of our country.”


There are too many emotional things left to write here, so I have no words to express my gratitude to my favorite leader who always helps me whenever I find it difficult to resist anger against wrongdoers.

Hearty Salute to Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shastriji, both on their birth anniversary, they are real gems of Mother India.

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