Ram, how are you Maryada Purushottam?

Sexual harassment is one of the worst crimes that human beings are committing to destroy the social balance. Whatever we write or say against this will always be dwarfed by the pain and suffering of the victims and their families.

I recently read about the unfortunate gang rape of a female employee at the famous Ram temple in Ayodhya. As a sensitive person, I couldn’t stop my tears from welling up with grief. Where are we heading? Why are we failing to provide a safe and secure environment for half of the population, who are essentially more vital for our own survival?

Why, Why, Why?

So, women are neither insecure and weak nor they are devoid of intelligence, we failed to protect their integrity, and we failed ourselves in maintaining a humanistic society.

There has been a lot of hue and cry recently about women’s safety. The more stringent the laws are, the harsher the reality of violence against women becomes. It is horrifying to see crimes being committed against a two-month-old baby and even an eighty-year-old woman. Where are we headed?

Don’t get into fear

Why be afraid? Change is inevitable, and so are circumstances. Time is the best guide and healer. And on top of that, we have the natural power to assess, assimilate, and derive appropriate benefits from terrible situations.

We are human beings. Since the beginning of civilization, we have been proving our ability to live here, ruling the planet, conquering the invincible, and overcoming the mysteries around us. Fear is just a small emotion in the face of our quest to achieve excellence in every area of ​​the universe.